
Notes made in GSoC 2020

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Running a Testsuite in RTEMS

Note: You can use gdb to run a testsuite, or can run it directly.

Symbols Used:

1) - Locate the testsuite (for example let’s locate SPARC tests)

$ cd
$ cd development/rtems/kernel/erc32/sparc-rtems5/c/erc32/testsuites/samples
$ export PATH=$HOME/development/rtems/5/bin:$PATH 

2) - Run

2.1) - For SPARC

2.1.1) - Using GDB

$ sparc-rtems5-gdb hello.exe
        # gdb asks for several inputs. 
                $ tar sim
                $ load
                $ r

        # Program runs.
                $ q
        # you can also type 'quit' instead of 'q' to terminate.

2.1.2) - Using Emulator

$ sparc-rtems5-run hello.exe

2.1.3) - Using SIS

SIS can be connected to gdb through a network socket using the gdb remote interface. Either start SIS with -gdb, or issue the ’gdb’ command inside SIS, and connect gdb with target extended-remote localhost:1234 (as default port number of SIS is ‘1234’). The port can be changed using the -port option.

Open Terminal 1 and write:

$ sparc-rtems5-sis -gdb
        # It will print 'gdb: listening on port 1234'.
        # Note you can define port number with '-port' option.

Open Terminal 2 and write:

$ sparc-rtems5-gdb hello.exe
        # gdb asks for several inputs
                $ target extended-remote localhost:1234
                $ load
                $ r

You will see output in Terminal 1.

2.2) - For ARM

2.2.1) - Using GDB

To Do

2.2.2) - Using Emulator

qemu-system-arm -no-reboot -serial null -serial mon:stdio -net none -nographic -M xilinx-zynq-a9 -m 256M -kernel hello.exe

2.3) - For RISCV

2.3.1) - Using GDB

To Do

2.3.2) - Using Emulator

qemu-system-riscv32 -no-reboot -nographic -machine virt -m 256M -kernel hello.exe